Ashley Wick | Personal Coach/Brand Communicator – Kendall Conrad


Spanish noun

a woman who is very knowledgeable about an activity, subject, or pastime. a connoisseur, expert, specialist, cognoscente, an enthusiast.

Ashley Wick | Personal Coach/Brand Communicator



Where are you from?
Born and raised in San Francisco.

Where do you live now and what do you love most about it?
Boulder, Colorado. My world became much smaller after moving here from NYC, and I deeply appreciate the convenience and close community in this town. I am friends with the barista at my coffee shop, borrow eggs from my neighbors and regularly run into friends on the street. Most of the people that are here, actively chose to live here and share values around nature, health and family. In Boulder, it is perfectly normal to take a business meeting on the trail instead of in a conference room, and it’s an ideal place to raise kids. I am excited for my girls to grow up rock climbing, hiking and skiing, and just generally enjoying a deeper connection to nature.

For my family and I to be fully expressed creatively, emotionally and spiritually.



Disc II Rings, Artemisa Half Ring, Thin Rounded Hoops, and Square Rings I and II 


What do you do?
My career started at Vogue and then I spent 15+ years working in the fashion and lifestyle industry, mostly as a communications and brand consultant. Four years ago, I realized I wanted to work with designers and founders on a more personal level; I was more interested in launching strong, female leaders than products. So now I spend more time coaching. I’m a gold digger! (lol) I help people and companies discover their own ‘gold’ and then we work together to magnify it. I like to think that the through line of my work is empowering women to step on the gas and do what they love (that sometimes they can’t see or don’t believe is possible). And that’s important to me because I believe that when women live on purpose and lean into their innate feminine traits, they naturally become change agents and positively affect the well-being of our society and world.

"What I like most about my work is that It doesn’t feel like work. I love the lasting relationships I’ve developed with wildly talented entrepreneurs that have become dear friends, and the thought that I may have positively impacted someone’s life. The other day I received a handwritten letter from a client who wrote “thank you for helping me get to know myself and feel good about being me."

What’s up next for you? 
I am looking forward to a leadership coach training course with Tara Mohr and the creation of my own workshops dedicated to women who want to play bigger and live more fully into their potential, we might possibly do a women’s ski retreat next Winter! I’m also working on a portrait project with the renown photographer George Lange, which addresses the ways in which we shortchange ourselves on Instagram by projecting perfection. We are capturing the stuff left on the cutting room floor that is really what makes us original and interesting, and creates connection. Oliver and I are embarking on a house remodel this summer and potty training our 2 year old which may prove to be the most challenging project of all!


 The Cagancho Cuff and Square Rings I and II


Favorite pastimes?
This Spring I am skiing, hiking, and throwing pots whenever I can. A year ago, when I had my hands full with kids, work, and studies, my own coach suggested I make a list of all of the things that rejuvenate me, which I now have saved on my phone so that when I have a window of time to myself, I know how to quickly and easily fill it in a meaningful way. At first, I thought, this was ridiculous, but then I realized how much time I lost wondering what I should do with the limited free time and how often I would beat myself up for not being ‘productive’ with it.

What inspires you?
Feeling. Humanness. Vulnerability. Openness. Beauty. Photography. Nature. Love. I still have a fortune tucked in a locket on a necklace that I pulled out of a cookie 18 years ago that reads “Love demonstrated is irresistible." It’s true.

“Try to be surprised by something every day. It could be something you see, hear, or read about. Stop to look at the unusual car parked at the curb, taste the new item on the cafeteria menu, actually listen to your colleague at the office. How is this different from other similar cars, dishes or conversations? What is its essence? Don't assume that you already know what these things are all about, or that even if you knew them, they wouldn't matter anyway. Experience this one thing for what it is, not what you think it is. Be open to what the world is telling you. Life is nothing more than a stream of experiences - the more widely and deeply you swim in it, the richer your life will be.” ― Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.


The Oblique Drop Earrings, Girona Wrist Wrap and Rock III Pendant 


When are you the happiest?
Taking off on an adventure. Hearing my kids giggle. Swimming in the Med with Oliver. On the back of a horse. Horses were my first obvious passion. I couldn’t get enough of them. Maybe it’s genetic. Both of my grandmothers rode, which may have been the reason my mother felt it was acceptable to lie about my age to enroll me in riding classes when I was 4…

Please tell me about your daughters. 
Gray (“Gigi”) is 4 going on 24, Lucinda is 2. I’ve been blessed with two very spirited, strong Taurus girls. Gigi is sensitive and feminine; she would wear a tutu to school every day if she could. Lucinda is wild, naughty and currently likes to strip off her clothes and run around our house screaming ‘nakey’.

Do you have a favorite recipe to share? 
I made this pear torte with my friend Peggy Markel, who has designed amazing culinary adventures all over the world for 30+ years, for a dinner party a few months ago and it was a huge hit. It’s divine and easy.



1 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 cup plus 2 T Demerara sugar
1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp aluminum free baking powder
1/4 t fine sea salt
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 Tbsp dark rum
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
6 medium pears ~ I like comice pears, but you can use any other firm pear, peeled, cored and thinly sliced.

Preheat oven to 350F. Thoroughly butter a 10-inch springform pan. Sprinkle 1Tbsp of the sugar to evenly coat the bottom and sides of the pan.

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, eggs, 1 cup of sugar, cream, rum and vanilla to combine. Add the sliced pears. Use your hands to gently fold the pears into the batter. Pour into the pan, arranging the pears to give a nice presentation later. Sprinkle the last remaining Tbsp of sugar on top.

Bake slowly for two hours. Let rest for 5 minutes, then run a knife around the sides of the pan before separating. Serve warm or at room temperature.



Cresta Rings I and II and Oblique Drop Earrings 


What are your favorite places that you have travelled to and where do you want to go next?
Machangulo in Mozambique has one of the most pristine, dramatic beaches I’ve seen. There’s something about Africa that keeps drawing me back. I cherish our annual summers in Ibiza. Most people know the hedonistic side of the island, but the West coast is a bohemian paradise. I’d love to experience the Northern Lights, live in Chile for a year, and visit Fujino, Japan for a master class in Shibori. I’ve also been meaning to take a few courses at the Esalen Institute and I want to plan a motor-home road trip to Colorado’s Great Sand Dunes National Park.

What is your favorite hotel/resort to stay in?
I couldn’t possibly choose! One of the most memorable hotels stays was at Vumbura Plains, a camp in Botswana. The Amanjewo in Java is so thoughtfully executed and has the most stunning pool. They’ve designed the hotel like a beehive so that the staff and hotel’s inner workings are hidden in the interior. It affords total privacy and seems as if everything (from morning tea to towels and turn down) just magically appears and disappears throughout the day. Manka's Inverness Lodge in Pt. Reyes is cozy and restorative. The Hotel Manapany in St.-Barths has beautiful laid-back bungalows on the beach and inspired some of the interior design choices in our remodel.

Biggest luxury?
Time to myself

What is your favorite music and latest bands?
I am all over the place. I’ve been listening to loungy electronic music from Tourist, Maribou State, Shallou, Disclosure. LDS Room station on Sound Cloud has some soothing tribal beats that I could listen to all day in the office. Our very old Mercedes only has a CD player and I recently discovered a Taj Mahal album that is a great throw back. In the morning, it’s often Reggae or Beck’s Morning Phase.

Seen any great exhibits lately?
The Vija Celmins show at SF MOMA is beautiful. Her patience and precision is admirable. I’m also loving the Picasso-inspired, lyrical work of Christiane Spangsberg I discovered on Instagram.

What are some of your favorite books/audiobooks, and films/shows?
I’m interested in working more NLP methodology into my practice and reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza which is blowing my mind.
The Last Child In The Woods by Richard Louv has affirmed my existing beliefs about the transformative power of nature for children and likewise created a sense of urgency around disconnecting from modern tech and getting our kids into the woods! Nature deficit disorder is real. On a lighter note, the show Catastrophe on Amazon Prime is almost too close to home, but provides just the perfect dose of parental comedic relief.

Female hero and why?
I can count a handful of inspiring female mentors, but a single heroine doesn’t come to mind. I revere certain qualities of women more than big heroic accomplishments. For instance, I admire Karen Blixen’s fierce independence, adventurous spirit, and grit, and Lynne Twist’s integrity and vision. I’ve also been lucky to have exemplary women in my own family. My grandmother was the epitome of grace and my mother is extraordinarily thoughtful and selfless. Not to mention, my female clients show up in ways that wow me on a daily basis.





How do you unwind or de-stress? 
I usually find greater peace through movement. I will hike the foothills loop behind my house any time of day if I feel stressed, unfocused or need to redirect my energy. The day I was scheduled to give birth to my daughter Lucinda, (who we had found out had heart disease and needed surgery not long after birth), Oliver and I went on a hike. It felt like the most natural thing to do to get into a positive frame of mind. There is a 5-rythms class at a very special place called the Star House in Boulder which helps stop time, clear the mind and allow space for creativity. Plus, it’s an amazing work out. Two hours of free-form dance! And if time doesn’t allow, something warm...a cup of tea, a steaming hot shower, sitting in bed against a heating pad, can feel pretty therapeutic. Ned’s CBD oil at bedtime if I want to sleep soundly.

Do you unplug from devices? Night time or weekends?
Not officially. We should. I love the idea of parking all devices somewhere out of reach on the weekends. I get in trouble because I like to take photos with my iPhone so I think I’m going to pull out my old Canon instead.

How do you take good care of yourself? 
I gave up dairy and processed foods as part of the Whole 30 challenge in January and I’ve decided to give them up for good. I feel significantly better. I’m also trying red light therapy. It stimulates the mitochondria in your cells and the studies proving its effectiveness in reducing inflammation, increasing collagen production and improving sleep are pretty compelling. Let’s see!

When do you feel your best?
When I get a solid 9-10 hours of sleep which seems less likely then spotting a unicorn these days with 2 children under the age of 4.

Beauty/skincare regime?
I am not an early adopter when it comes to beauty and when I find a product I like, I tend to stick to it. I am embarrassed to admit that I still use the same tinted foundation that I bought when I was 25! But, because it is impossibly dry in Colorado and I’m choosing botanical products, I have a few new favorites: I cannot go anywhere without Sorella’s Avocado Lip Hydrator...this is hands down the best lip balm I’ve ever owned. I got on the bandwagon and use Vintner’s Daughter Face Serum and I love Stories + Objects Persian Rose Water (the highest quality rose water in the world) as well as Ursula Major’s Face Balm.


Cagancho Cuff, Tapered Bangle and Abanico II Hoops 


What is your style credo?
Fashion can be so serious. Experiment and play! Style can be a great vehicle to access places and parts of yourself.

Bold or delicate jewelry?
A mix of both to keep it interesting!

What was your first KC piece?
The black Gitana bag was my first piece and I still wear it 7 years later! A testament to the brand’s timelessness!

What KC accessories do you like to wear at night?
Thin Rounded Hoops in different sizes– they are a wardrobe staple. They can be casual or dress up any outfit.

What do you like best about KC bags or jewelry?
They don’t wear you! Every piece comes alive differently depending on who is wearing it.



Photos by Kendall Conrad using an iPhone X